Stuck skirt shows nice ass in upskirt

That woman was pretty fancy all together, from her nice blueish dress to her sexy high heels. Her redhead friend was dressed rather formally as well, so I immediately got interested in doing some creeping on them two and to see what I can find. Needless to say, Mr. Creepo found more than he expected, as he always does while dealing with creepshots of sexy ladies, straight from the streets.

Hot woman in blueish summer dress

One in blueish dress is about to accidentally show her ass

They were both walking and radiating self confidence. They were looking good and they knew it. Still, the importance here is about the thing they didn’t know. I’m about to show you more of that.

Accidental upskirt of fancy woman

Neither the hot woman in blueish dress nor her chubby friend knew that there is a certain clothing malfunction going on. Her backpack somehow got stuck on her skirt and it uncovered half of her naked ass, making it very visible that she is wearing a thin string thong that is barely visible in her nice round ass. From the moment I figured out her ass is out in open upskirt, I continued following them. I really needed to see how long will it take her to realize that her butt is so nicely exposed.

Stuck backpack reveals upskirt

Thank you dear backpack, for showing me her ass

We were walking for five or ten minutes by now and this silly woman still didn’t realize that her naked ass is showing. If it wasn’t so sexy it would be too hilarious. Imagine if I bumped her on the shoulder and told her that I can’t concentrate from all the looking at her ass and that she should cover it up. Wouldn’t that be something? Hilarious, I’m telling you.

Hot woman walks without knowing her ass is showing

Walking with her bare butt exposed

I was already thinking that she’ll reach her destination with half of her butt out in such an unflattering manner, but I guess all good things can’t last forever. She fixed up the backpack on her shoulder and she realized that something odd is going on.

Hot woman hides her ass from upskirt

She did a look around herself before fixing her skirt, like she wanted to confirm that nobody saw what she put on display by accident. I pretended to be looking in the other direction when she looked at me. She is silly enough to believe that no one even noticed her fine ass and I was letting her believe that. Yes, Mr. Creepo is so good and kind to women in embarrassing situations (yeah, right).

Sexy woman fixes her accidental upskirt

Moment when she fixed her skirt

Mr. Creepo appreciates accidental nudity

I always say that accidental nudity is the best kind of it and that I’ll always be peeping and creeping to get it. Take this fancy lady as an example. She was certain that she is sexy yet that her goods are nicely packaged in that loose summer dress. She was so wrong to the point it’s obscene how much flesh she was showing and the fact that she even revealed that her choice of underwear is a very sexually provocative thong.

Mr. Creepo's World Of Sexy Girls